Monday, 4 June 2012

Land Training

Date: 6 June 2012, Wednesday
Time: 2 - 5.30PM
Venue: T11 Square

Hi Upgraders,

For those who are going to Datuk, you are required to bring along:
- Trekking bag (at least 50L)
- 4 x 1.5L water bottles that are fully filled
- Army poncho

For those who are coming for training but not going for the Datuk expedition, please bring along:
- a bag
- 2 x 1.5L water bottles that are fully filled



Anonymous said...

Hey, I am going for Datuk's expedition but I am only getting the bag and stuffs for it at the end of this week due to some reasons.
Is it okay if I bring just a normal bag with the bottles inside for training tomorrow?

- Asyraf

SP Adventurers said...

Hi Asyraf,

Yes, please bring along your bag with the bottles for training. Do try to get the equipment ready soon, most preferably by Saturday. :)

SP Adventurers